
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of DCZia. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new ideas, to seek out new friends and knowledge, to boldly make, hack, and explore everything we can!

Originating around DEF CON 22, DCZia is a group organized around the concepts of teaching, learning, and creating badges / other electronic hardware. Most of us have loose ties to New Mexico, but now we live all over the US. DCZia welcomes both newcomers and experts alike. Proud holders of the DC DarkNet DEF CON 25 Black Badge!

Check us out at: GitHub Twitter Instagram

2019 DCZia Badge

Introducing the 2019 DCZia DEF CON Badge.
This year we created a laser theremin synthesizer badge. It makes sounds, lights up, and works with the DEF CON Bluetooth Badge Network.

Check out our GitHub for the design files and code, or goto the Build Guide / Manual if you have one!

  • Rigado BMD-340 Microconroller with Bluetooth 5
  • 5 Mechanical Kalih Chocolate Low Profile Switches
  • Rotary Encoder with click button
  • 2 time of flight laser rangefinders to control the pitch and volume of the synth
  • Onboard audio amp and speaker
  • 2 RGB LEDs and 5 green leds under the keys
  • SD Card slot
  • 2 Shitty Add-On V1.69bis Connectors